
Hi I’m Hayley Salmon and I am 19 years old and in the first year of a BA in Photography course at Southampton Solent University.

I’ve been quite a successful ice skater in the past winning gold medals and trophies in national ice dance championships and synchronized skating. Unfortunately I had to give up my beloved sport due to two horrendous knee injuries. As I was so use to filling up all my spare time with a sports I replaced skating with rowing, and with my new found love…photography!

I’ve been pretty lucky during my childhood as I have been fortunate to travel to quite a few places but always with a camera in tow. I’ve visited unusual places like The Gambia and Lapland as well as America (Disney – multiple times!) and many other European destinations such as France, Denmark, Spain and Turkey to name just a few. I got my first ‘film camera’ when I was 3 years old. I remember it very well as it was bright yellow, blue and red (how cute!) and I thought it was wicked. I’ve still got the photo album of all the images I took at  Disney. Mum and Dad called me a Japanese tourist as I clicked away quite happily with anything I thought was vaguely interesting. I’ve always had an arty side and did pretty well in my art and textile GCSEs. There was no option of taking photography at Senior School but that didn’t stop me pursuing my passion for  photography and I moved to the Farnborough Sixth Form College to study A Level Photography.

My favourite pass time activities are going to the cinema with my friends and it was shopping (not so much now with the lack of finances)!  The thing that I love most is watching Cirque du Soleil both live performance and DVDs…

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