V&A Exhibition Visit – Horst: Patterns of Nature

  I am fascinated by plant’s natural beauty and their diverse forms, colours, shapes, structure, textures and patterns. In my A-Level Photography studies I conducted a personal investigation of plant life photography by researching botanical master photographers such as Man Ray, Karl Blossfeldt and Imogen Cunningham. So therefore imagine my surprise when I visited the Horst…

London Exhibitions – which one to choose?

This week I have gone into London twice as I have an assignment on exhibition review writing as part of my BA Photography course. Hard life I know… I have visited The Photographers Gallery, the Barbican and the V&A Museum.  The Photographer’s gallery had an exhibition on Edward Steichen and Viviane Sassen. I especially liked the work of Edward…

Exhibition at The Barbican

Constructing Worlds – Photography and Architecture in the Modern Age Exhibition View   I was really looking forward to visiting the Barbican as I have researched three of the artists (for an Orientation project on documentary photography) whose works were on display at this show – Walker Evans, Thomas Struth and Bernd/Hilla Becher. My anticipation was…

The Photographers’ Gallery – Edward Steichen

Edward Steichen: In High Fashion, The Condé Nast Years 1923 – 1937 I love fashion but have always shied away from doing fashion shoots. I think this is due to the lack of confidence in using studio lighting (hopefully I will get to grips with this during my degree course) but a photographer who did master…

All the fun of the fireworks….and the fair!

Last night I went to the fireworks display at the Mayflower Park in Southampton with a few new Uni friends and I loved it. We began our evening visiting the fairground – going on rides and eating some not too healthy food (which isn’t much of a new thing for me), before moving off to the Riverside to watch the firework display.…

Hanging of my print project

For part of our visual exploration assignment I was instructed to go to the library and pick an image from any photography magazine/journal that I was interested in and scan it using a high resolution scanner setting (at least 600 dpi) and to find out specifics about the image, for example who created the image…

Show Me the Money: The Image of Finance 1700 to the Present

Since the global financial crisis of 2008, our news has been littered with ‘the credit crunch’, government cutbacks, funding losses,  food banks for the needy, zero percent pay rises, people on the poverty line and of course now, close to my heart, the £9,000 University tuition fees. The effects of the worldwide financial collapse is…

How to create a contact sheet

Printing of contact sheets aren’t so difficult to wrap your head around as you may first imagine. A contact sheet provides you with a positive print of the negative film. This print then allows you to choose your favourite image to make professional prints. Contact sheets don’t need to be perfect as they are meant to be…

Wildlife photography – another visit to the New Forest

It was a glorious Autumn sunny Sunday and my parents had popped down to see how I was doing at Uni. After a quick stopover to my new favourite restaurant Sprinkles for waffles (it had to be done!), I persuaded them that we should all go for a walk in the New Forest (aka I wanted to photograph the ponies!).  I love wildlife…

A quick guide to processing a 35mm b&w film…

I have got very little experience in processing a black and white film while I was studying for my A Level in Photography at Farnborough Sixth Form College and therefore I had much to master at Southampton Solent University to get even slightly proficient at it. I have created this blog as a memory aid for me but it may…